Karabaş-i Veli Cultural Center

Karabaş-i Veli Tekke, one of the outstanding examples of Ottoman architecture, has taken its place among the cultural heritage of Bursa with the restoration work. 

While Mevlana culture is kept alive in the historical building, which has been transformed into Karabaş-i Veli Cultural Center, the sema, which is a visual feast, comes to life again in Bursa. In order to carry out activities that will reflect the culture it represents in the historical building, cooperation was established with the Association for the Promotion and Sustenance of Mevlana Culture and the dervish lodge was transformed into the "Karabaş-ı Veli Cultural Center". In the "Karabaş-ı Veli Cultural Center", sema performances, ney concerts, poetry nights and trainings are organized within the scope of the monthly activity program.
