Pir Emir Mehmed Sultan Mosque

The mosque located in Piremir District. It was built in 1495 by Hoca Alizade on behalf of Pir Emir Sultan, who came from Buhara. The cut scale on the walls is made of stone and brick work. It is understood that it is one of the works of the Fatih period. The portico and window arches, the eaves and the brick rosettes on the wall, the minaret adjacent to the mosque and the stair heads are the architectural models of that period. The cone of the single-balcony minaret is strangled and pointed. Its dome is covered with lead. The walls of the building are laid with three layers of bricks and a layer of rubble. It underwent a major repair in 1961. The top of the prayer place is covered with a large dome on an octagonal drum. In the 16th century tomb in the garden of the mosque. There is the tomb of Pir Emir Mehmet Sultan.
